Sunday, January 23, 2011

Risky Business.

          Oh I love thee. Sundays are probably my favorite day of the week. Albeit the longest, but my favorite. Waking up early isn't my favorite, but for church it's more than worth it. This morning we talked about taking risks. I'm normally not the risk-taking type...actually I'm not a risk taker AT ALL. But this morning got me to thinking; would you rather someone say "Oh well, that *insert name* lived a pretty mundane life." or " Wow! *insert name* really lived life to the fullest." I know if it were me, I'd prefer the latter. So unless you enjoy being a Protective Polly, I challenge you with this: do one thing, everyday, that makes you uncomfortable. For it's only when we're not comfortable with things that God can really begin to move in us. So have a wonderful week, and get uncomfortable. :)

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