Thursday, October 27, 2011

"I wish I had a stuffed cat."

     The title of this post is what I heard come out of my mothers mouth today. Nothing had been said about anything to do with cats, and then that just popped out of her mouth. Apparently she was looking at pictures of kitty litter cake, but still, that's not something you hear everyday.

     Last night, a good friend lost his keys after service. I didn't think anything about it until a few hours later. I just randomly got up to check my purse, and they weren't in there. My mom checked her purse and lo-and-behold, there were Daniels keys. So we hopped in the truck and drove over to his house real quick to drop them off. We ended up talking to his mom for half an hour before he actually got there. After multiple apologies, we drove home. It was an eventful night, but I'm glad everything worked out and he got his keys back.

      Today I went up to work at the office. I've been doing this for almost three months now, so you'd think I'd have the routine down, right? Wrong. I made the mistake of putting all my jeans in the washer about an hour before I had to leave. Stupid. I got out of the shower to realize that I had no jeans to wear. So I decided to start on my hair. An easy task, right? Wrong. I spent forty-five minutes trying to do something, anything, with it. I tried doing a braided headband, a plain braid, a side messy bun, and a side ponytail. Nothing was satisfying. At that point, my mom came in and told me I had five minutes. I wasn't dressed, my hair was a mess, and I had yet to put on any make-up. I hurriedly put on my foundation, only to discover I was out. I threw the bottle away, threw my hair up in a bun, and pulled on some clothes. Of course, the outfit that I put together in .5 seconds was cuter than anything I could have tried to plan. Story of my life. By this time, I was on the verge of a mental breakdown. I know, you're thinking, "Wow. A mental breakdown over not being ready on time?" Yes, it's silly, but I had bombed my Algebra 2 this morning, and that was the last straw. But a phrase came to me just as I started to lose it. "Breathe." I always tell this to one of our student associates when she starts to get stressed, but I never took my own advice. Ironic, huh? I guess I learned today that not everything in my life has to be perfect. I don't always have to have a plan. I just have to trust.

      Tomorrow we are packing for our Annual Washam/Garrison Hike. Every year, the guys (and I) on my dads side of the family go camping/hiking down in Arkansas. It's so fun to sit around the fire and talk with everybody. We have to make a trip to Wal-mart tomorrow to collect all the junk food we'll be gorging ourselves on. Also on the agenda is setting our tent up in the backyard to clean it out. The last time we were camping, we had to take it down in the rain, so I can only imagine what it looks/smells like. Ick. Then we  leave at 6:30 sharp on Saturday morning, and will return by Sunday afternoon. I'm looking forward to it, but I hope we don't freeze to death.

       I guess I've rambled on long enough, so I'll leave you with this...

                                                  This song is fantastic. Check it out.

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