Friday, March 25, 2011

Momma said there'd be days like this...

         Do you ever have those days where you wake up, and you're instantly in a bad mood? You haven't even had contact with anyone, yet you're still grumpy? I'll admit, that was definitely me today. As soon as I woke up, I knew today wasn't going to go well for me. An Algebra 2 test confirmed that for me early on. After lunch I decided to grab my scripts and go hole up in my room. I have two skits I'm preforming in at the beginning of May for co-op. We were given two weeks to memorize our lines. This wouldn't be so bad, except I was gone from Wednesday to Sunday. Then Monday, I spent the entire day cleaning my room. Tuesday was my last day of spring break, so naturally, I just laid around and watched TV. Wednesday I spent the morning doing school, the afternoon shopping for a bike for Lance, and the evening at church. Yesterday was spent doing school and a few other things. So that leaves me at today. Friday. With three days left, I'm starting to majorly stress. As sarcastic and tough as I may seem, I hate to disappoint people. Therefore, not having these lines memorized is just not acceptable. So, I guess I'm going to go pick up those annoying little pieces of paper, and start memorizing. :)

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