Saturday, June 30, 2012


Hey, uh, remember me? Yeah, it's been a while. I'm sorry I left, but I'm back now. I just needed some space. Don't worry, I didn't meet anyone else. It was me, not you.

The past fifteen days have been a blur of work, church, pool, sleep, repeat.

My ankle has been swelling up again, so here's to hoping that it goes away and I don't need to have it checked out.

It is so flippin' hot here, ya'll. Like 102 degrees hot. Hello humidity.

I am flat-out exaughsted. All work and no shopping makes Emilee a tired girl. I'm almost, gasp, ready to be in school so I will have fewer hours at work. I know, I'm crazy.

Speaking of school, OH MY WORD friends. I have a month and a half of freedom left. In case you haven't noticed, I'm kind of freaking out about it. I just keep repeating "the Lord will fufill His purpose for me". Right now it seems like His purpose is me losing my mind, though.

It's only 11 days until CAMP with rbcstudents! I am so excited and ready for a great time with God and my best friends! Pray for our group to be awakened towards Him.

I can be in the worst mood ever, and this song will instantly make me happy. Enjoy.

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