Saturday, June 30, 2012


Hey, uh, remember me? Yeah, it's been a while. I'm sorry I left, but I'm back now. I just needed some space. Don't worry, I didn't meet anyone else. It was me, not you.

The past fifteen days have been a blur of work, church, pool, sleep, repeat.

My ankle has been swelling up again, so here's to hoping that it goes away and I don't need to have it checked out.

It is so flippin' hot here, ya'll. Like 102 degrees hot. Hello humidity.

I am flat-out exaughsted. All work and no shopping makes Emilee a tired girl. I'm almost, gasp, ready to be in school so I will have fewer hours at work. I know, I'm crazy.

Speaking of school, OH MY WORD friends. I have a month and a half of freedom left. In case you haven't noticed, I'm kind of freaking out about it. I just keep repeating "the Lord will fufill His purpose for me". Right now it seems like His purpose is me losing my mind, though.

It's only 11 days until CAMP with rbcstudents! I am so excited and ready for a great time with God and my best friends! Pray for our group to be awakened towards Him.

I can be in the worst mood ever, and this song will instantly make me happy. Enjoy.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Barnabas Day 5:: Thursday.

Today's entry is a little happier. Yesterday was awful, and I was just over the whole thing, but today has been great! Grace is crazy, but I love her so much. She was "signing" a song for Morgan at lunch. I just finished FOB with Ash, Josiah, Sam, Jacob, and a few other CIA's. It was really nice to have some friend time. My cabin is waking up so we are headed to OATS!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Barnabas Day 3:: Tuesday.

Oh my Lord. I have never been this tired in my life. I sprained my ankle playing basketball this morning. My camper is SO sweet, but she is a train wreck. Her name is Grace, she is 19, and she has Downs Syndrome. There have been some really fun times this week, but I am so ready to go home. I totally take my bed, shower, and free time for granted. I love being here and blessing other people, but I will have to think about coming back next year. I love all of the other CIA's in my cabin, and that makes life a little easier. But I'm tired. Physically and especially emotionally. Jesus, help this week pass quickly.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Promised:: Barnabas 2012

I've been putting off writing this post for a few days. I was trying to find a way to put a happy, positive spin on this past week. Yes, I had SO much fun at times, but it was the hardest, most stressful week of my life.

To be as transparent as possible, I'm going to post my journal entry from each day.

Starting with Sunday, the day the CIA's arrived.

Sunday, June 3: Barnabas Day 1

The campers are coming! Ok, technically the campers tomorrow, but we are here TODAY! This is quiet time before dinner. I am so hungry! I love all the girls in my cabin, and definitely love my staffers. I know the Lord is going to do so much this week, and I am so ready for it! Also, I swear it is like 346234 degrees out here. I have never sweat this much in my life. Well, time's almost up, so I'm heading back to the cabin.

Stay tuned for more tales from Camp Barnabas.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Barnabas Bound.

     Well folks, in one hour and forty-five minutes, I'll be headed to Camp Barnabas!!! I am so excited to be able to share this experience with  my best friends. As nervous as I am about this week, my excitement far outweighs my anxiety. I know that God is God, and He's going to do His thing. I know that I have amazing people that I can rely on for words of encouragement this week. I finished packing late last night, and just finished putting together my backpack for the week. This term is Developmentally Disabled/Autism. I really believe that the Lord picked this week for me for a reason. I have had experience dealing with kids with Autism-like disabilities. I know that these kids will be so excited about camp, and that they will be such a blessing to me this week, and I just hope I can be as much as a blessing to them. This is my first year at Barnabas, so the only thing I know to expect is a great time! I will take lots of pictures! Be praying for me this week friends. :)