Monday, August 27, 2012


Life is hard. School is hard. Friendships are hard.

You know what isn't hard? Having faith.

I hate school. I hate being surrounded by crap all day. I hate sitting in a classroom for 7 hours and feeling like I'm not learning anything. I hate that I hate it. All I want is to be a "normal" high-schooler. But I'm not, and people don't like that. I feel like people are judging me because I don't like their normal. But, you see, that's what they've been doing to me for the last 8 years. Making fun and judging my normal. I feel as if I were coming from public school to homeschooling, and I didn't like it, then that would be fine. However, that's not the case. I still don't know if I'll continue going to school. I'm strongly considering going back to homeschooling, but I'm still praying about it.

Through it all though, I have faith. I have faith that the Lord will reveal His purpose to me. I have faith that no matter what, His hand will be evident in my life this year.

Will you pray for me to follow God's plan? Will you pray for me to realize who my true friends are? Will you pray for me as I strive to do everything in the name of the Lord? Thanks, friends. It means the world.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ramblings and Whatnot...

I'm halfway through my days of work this week! I worked yesterday and today, and I work tomorrow and Tuesday. After that though, I'm off for almost three weeks! My working buddy, Kristen, worked her last today, because she is headed back to Baylor for school.

I ordered my backpack online yesterday. That was weird. I haven't had a backpack since the second grade. I still have a few things to pick up before school actually starts, but I'm getting excited!

Our student associate, Jessica, is taking a new job as a 6th grade reading teacher this fall. I am so excited for her as she starts this new journey, but she will be greatly missed.

I'm hungry. All the time. I don't understand it, but I eat like a grown man.

This post is awkwardly short, but I'm going to take a nap. See you later, blogger world!